Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Natural gas

When people are emotionally involved in an issue they are easy to manipulate. For example, when Biden came into office he immediately put a freeze on fracking on government lands. The Greenies were ecstatic as they saw this as Biden getting tough on the fossil fuel industry. What no one told them is that 99% of natural gas production was on private land. When the oil companies complained, this added credence to the Biden's show of toughness. More recently Biden has put a stop to future construction of natural gas export facilities. Once again the Greenies are excited and the fossil fuel industry is crying in their beer. Currently the US has the capacity to ship 13 billion cubic feet(BCF) of natural gas per day and much of this is going to Europe to replace the Russia gas they lost. Currently there is under construction enough new facilities to add another 12 BCF and already permitted another 16 BCF. What Biden has done is put a temporary hold on future permits beyond what is already under way. Once again it was a ploy to satisfy a political need and it is working. What the Greenies do not understand is that wind and solar need what is called base energy, that is, a backup when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't shine and natural gas is the best way if they oppose nuclear. The nice thing about natural gas is that the power can be increased or decreased in a matter of minutes so it the perfect complement to wind and solar.

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