Tuesday, February 27, 2024


If you watch the news including the main networks NBC, CBS and ABC along with cable news Fox, MSNBC and CNN plus the major newspapers like the NY Times, Washington Post and WSJ you will find they are pretty much in agreement that the West must stop Russia in Ukraine to prevent Russia from advancing into other countries. Even searching the Internet you have to dig deep to find other opinions. Even the pro West stories have tell tale signs like saying "Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine" have a strong bias. Looking further into the story it is easy to find 15 years of provocation. This can be seen in school where a smart witty student with a quick tongue keeps putting down another student who is not as quick. This goes on for a long period of time and one day the smart aleck gets a punch in the mouth and the other kid is sent to the principal's office because he started the fight. When all the news people are on the same side it is time to get suspicious and look further into the issue. At least it requires debate on both sides.

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