Thursday, February 15, 2024


It's time for a new Church Committee to investigate the CIA. The CIA was founded in 1947 and ran for thirty years without oversight. During those years many newspaper reports based on whistle blowers and insiders exposed the many illegal activities of the CIA but nothing was done about it until the senate investigated in 1975. This proved the CIA was out of control and new rules were put in place to keep them legal. Since that time there are once again leaks that the CIA is using unlawful means to gather information and using illegal tactics to affect world affairs. This time, however the supposed guardians of the constitution are absent or worse in cahoots with the government. A recent report by independent journalists Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi and Alex Gutentag have revealed illegal activities by government and the cover up of same. Since there will be no followup by the main stream press this report will probably just disappear. The feared military industrial complex has turned into the government press complex. Freedom of speech is being sacrificed in the name of national security using code words like disinformation and misinformation. The salvation is the growth in pod cast where more and more people are getting their news.

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