Wednesday, February 14, 2024


Prior to the first world war, Europe was a divided continent, with each side building up their military forces as they prepared for war. In a situation like this it only takes a small spark to set the world afire and that happened on June 28, 1914 when the Archduke of Austria was assassinated and WW 1 was underway. Today we have a similar situation with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). This is a group of 29 countries who have banded to together to balance the military power of the former Soviet Union. In 1991 the Soviet Union collapsed but the treaty remains in force. The congress has the power to abrogate a treaty and should set about doing so. As it stands now if Russia invaded Estonia, NATO led by the US would be bound by law to invade Russia which could quickly lead to nuclear war. Just like most people never heard of the Archduke, most have no knowledge of Estonia, a country of 1.3 million people 5,000 miles across the Atlantic. If the Europeans want to continue with the treaty that is their business but many feel it is time for the US to withdraw from NATO.

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