Tuesday, February 6, 2024


As we move into the election 24 season the news is filled with dread. So much of the daily news is about politics that it drowns out other aspects of life and thus the dread. People forget that in just over four years Trump and Biden will be gone from the scene and the news will shift. Once people realize that the elections did not result in the end of the world they will reevaluate their world picture. Their new view of things will be influenced by the economy which will be growing rapidly. New high paying jobs along with wage/price inflation will overtake politics as the big news items of the day. New infrastructure projects along with new industrial/manufacturing facilities will combine with new technologies to bring about the fastest economic growth in history. The knowledge that young workers have gained using their I pads and I phones will help them to take on the new jobs which will be running automatic operations. In time the increase in productivity will offset the inflation and the economy will settle down and the standard of living will rise for all. The governments main business will be reducing the wealth gap which will be aided by the wealth increase in the lower income groups.

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