Tuesday, February 27, 2024


The bureaucracy maintains its power and grows in strength by dividing the country along party and ideological lines. There are two ways to fight against this concentration of power. The first is to have elected officials who are brave enough to stand up to power. This can be dangerous because the government, over the years, has collected a lot of dirt on people who have been in politics for a while. This means they are vulnerable to personal attacks which can ruin their careers. It takes an outsider to start the ball rolling but the establishment always feels threatened by outsiders. A second way is to have a strong leader who can unite the people in both parties to rise against the insiders. This person could use the power of the vote to expose the elites and weaken their hold on the system. It would be us against them. To quote the famous philosopher Pogo who said, we have met the enemy and they is us. It would be ironic that a swamp creature could conquer the swamp. It would be a battle of the people against the press, big business, big labor, social media, Silicon Valley and Hollywood but there is an opening with the onset of podcast. This is where individuals can reach millions of voters without using TV. Podcasts show many sides of each issue and when the low-information voters gain knowledge they can challenge the status quo in a significant way. There are 3.2 million podcasts with 500 million viewers and they are growing rapidly. According to the latest available data, there are 504.9 million worldwide podcast listeners. That equates to 23.5% of all internet users. The number of people who listen to podcasts has increased by over 40 million in the last year.Jan 29, 2024 This is an ability to mass communicate that has only been available in recent times. Perhaps it is the means the voters need to get passed the biased views of the elites. Beware of any proposals by these elites to limit podcasts using deception-type excuses like disin

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