Saturday, February 3, 2024


What is meant when people say Trump ran against the establishment. The American foreign policy for decades was promoted by both republicans and democrats. It was best described as trying to make other countries into liberal democracies by using free trade along with joining international organizations. American leaders were happy to use the US navy to protect the worlds oceans to encourage free trade. The were willing to share power with the UN, WHO, WTO and form treaties with countries based on trade. Many even suggested that the Supreme Court use precedent set by the World Court. This was American foreign policy in the post war world. As a result the average worker watched manufacturing jobs disappear and these workers were placated with low priced goods made abroad. Trump campaigned against this global policy and people began to understand why they had not gotten a real raise in their income for 40 years. They sat idly by watching the rich get richer and wondered if anyone was on their side. Even liberals who believed in helping the working man were unaware that the foreign polices they promoted were at the expense of the working man. This global policy was so entrenched that all institutions were involved. The military industrial complex, the universities, the press and they were joined by social media and all became a part of this global think. Trump was able to tap into this disillusionment by the working people and the ones who voted for Obama switched to Trump. When Trump said make America great again he was running against the status quo and they didn't like it one bit. They could see their whole world being turned up side down which meant loss of power, the power they worked years to acquire. They reacted not by challenging Trump policies but by personal attacks and the same thing is happening today.

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