Tuesday, February 6, 2024


Back in the 50's and 60's when the economy was booming, certain forward thinking people realized that there would be a massive increase in the need for power. One of the more famous environmental groups the Sierra Club pushed for nuclear power as it represented clean power that would not destroy the environment. They voted overwhelming in favor of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant. One of the members was so upset with this that he left and formed a new group. He learned his lesson well and realized he could not defeat nuclear using an environment argument so he decided to use fear. He set about conflicting atomic bombs with atomic power and he persuaded a number of important people and groups to go along with him. They were so successful that the great promise of nuclear power was side tracked and instead of building hundreds of new plants the country began to look upon nuclear power as too dangerous and they won the day. Many of these people are in the wind and solar camp but a goodly number are in the camp that wants to limit the population and this policy is referred to as the Great Reset. Their goal is to get people to use less energy and to have fewer children. They may have some success with the latter but good luck on the former.

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