Friday, February 2, 2024


When abortion became legal back in 1973 some people said this was a slippery slope and dangerous to the sanctity of life concept. This was considered extremism to most people. As time passed other ideas that were considered extreme became more acceptable. Child euthanasia is a form of euthanasia that is applied to children who are gravely ill or have significant birth defects. In 2005, the Netherlands became the first country to decriminalize euthanasia for infants with hopeless prognosis and intractable pain. In 2015 assisted suicide was legalized in California and today in five states. It allows California residents who are at least 18 years old and have a terminal illness with a life expectancy of 6 months or less to request a medication that will hasten their death. Canada legalized medical aid in dying (MAID)in 2016 for people with a terminal illness and expanded it in 2021 to people with incurable, but not terminal, conditions. Only 18 states have laws offering robust protections to babies who survive abortions, although others have recently taken steps to strengthen their laws. Here is the ruling from the medical ethics people regarding preemies. Struggling babies born after just 22 weeks’ gestation should be allowed to die, but everything should be done to support babies born after 24 weeks, an independent ethics panel announced today. It is difficult to find out just who terminates these babies, the ones born with serious illness, preemies or from botched abortions. Do they just lay them on the counter and wait for them to die or does someone take direct action to kill them and if so where do they find this person. Could all of this indicate the slippery slope that some feared.

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