Saturday, February 17, 2024


Who is responsible for the great miscalculation. NATO led by the US ran headlong into their mission to save Ukraine. The plan was to put crushing sanctions on Russia while simultaneously providing them with the armaments they needed to defend themselves. The war materials came very slowly at first because it was assumed that Russia would storm into Kiev and the war would be over in a week. As the Russian troops moved in the West would have to decide if they wanted to invade Ukraine and go face to face with the Russians. No one will know how this would have turned out but the fear of confronting Russia directly would have most likely deterred any attack. As Ukraine rose to defend themselves the world looked to their leader Zelenskyy with awe and soon he became a cult hero and the West was in the fight. The result has been a two year war where Ukraine is a mess and thousands have died while the Russian economy has grown with the help of countries who are not aligned with NATO. Who are these experts that predicted that Russia would succumb to the economic pressure and fold. Will they have to answer for this miscalculation.

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