Tuesday, February 20, 2024


Just about daily there is someone on some program trying to analyze Trump. One way to understand him is to consider an outsider, not Trump, who is an entrepreneur running for president. This person would operate completely differently from a career politician just based on their background. If you work for a large corporation and you are faced with an important decision you will check with the different departments to help you make a decision all the while taking into account how you will justify your decision if things don't work out. When all the dust settles and it turns out it was a mistake you are ready with the reasons why you acted the way you did. You say I checked with marketing that they thought it a good idea. I checked with sales and they were confident they could sell it. I checked with production and they had all the equipment they needed to produce the product. So I went with it. You have now just saved your job. If you own your business you approach decision making in an entirely different way. You evaluate things from all perspectives and then search your gut for the final decision. If you're the CEO and you make a bad decision you can't say I went for it because I had a gut feeling it was the way to go but as a private business owner you can do that. Trump spent his life going with his gut feelings and that is the way he operated as president. Both the CEO and the private business owner come down to the end by making the final decision but one is concerned about how he would explain the failure but the other knows it’s all on him no matter how he makes the decision. One way this is evident with Trump is that politician tacticians often say that Trump seems to snatch defeat out of the mouth of victory. He is acting contrary to how the experts would act. Even now they are saying if Trump were smart he would keep quiet and let the press report on Biden's polls but he comes out and says he wants to curtail NATO.

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