Friday, February 16, 2024


The story of Trump/Russia collusion was called misinformation. The March 2018 House report found that the production of the ICA,deviated from established CIA practice. And the core judgment that Putin sought to help Trump, resulted from significant intelligence tradecraft failings that undermine confidence in the ICA judgments. The ICA is the department that requests classified information. The tale of improper CIA and FBI surveillance mixed with manufactured intelligence has been in the news since late 2017. Here are a few examples of how the news treated people who suggested that collusion was a hoax. Formen CIA agent Ray McGovern was called fringe and conspiracy-mongering Glenn Greewald was denounced as a pathological bigot Maria Bartiromo was declared bonkers Pulizter writer Jeff Gerth was called a Trump Russia denialist There are dozens more examples easily obtained on the Internet. The government knew this collusion story was not true but they remained silent. Many feel this was a example of election interferrence.

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