Saturday, February 10, 2024


Trump has said the rioters were not armed but NPR checked this out and here is their report Yes, Capitol Rioters Were Armed. Here Are The Weapons Prosecutors Say They Used Here is a list of the weapons found in the Jan 6 crowd G2c 9 mm handgun Volt Stun Gun Walking Stick blunt objects batons large stick pocket knife evidence shows him "brutally assaulting law enforcement officers" with both a hockey stick and a "sharpened pole" during the riot. vast majority of the estimated 800 rioters, were not searched that day. in his truck, which was parked near the Capitol. According to the court, the government found "a loaded handgun," "a loaded rifle," "a loaded shotgun," "a crossbow with bolts," "several machetes," "a stun gun" 

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