Monday, February 5, 2024


There is a growing group of voters who see the bureaucracy as having too much power, that the bureaucrats represent the power behind the throne. This power has grown steadily since the 1960's and is now vulnerable. Their power is fortified by the press, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, the military industrial complex and elected officials in both parties. Polls show that trust in these groups is at a low point and they are ripe to bring down. It will not happen with one administration but that could be the start. The voters see how they have been relegated to the back bench and are ready to take back power at the ballot box. Trump is the one candidate who is not part of the establishment and has the best chance to clean house. One of the best moves he could make would be to chose Tulsi Gabbard as VP. He could give her the assignment of removing the bureaucrats who owe their existence to the establishment and replacing them with people who are loyal to the voters. Her military experience taught her the downside of war and how companies like Halliburton profit from war and how their profits are used to influence government. She could close the revolving door between the regulators and regulated.

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