Sunday, February 25, 2024


I can understand why people under age 50 do not see the Ukraine situation as long term conflict. These people were not around during the Vietnam days. Older people remember how the government lied to them and how it took ten years before the people finally revolted and brought and end to the conflict. It was so bad that Johnson chose not to run for another term. Like Yogi says, it deja vu all over again. It is time to look at Ukraine with an open mind. What is the goal. Some say they don't want Russia to win because they will then attack another country and continue down that road until they have recreated the old Soviet Union under the new name of mother Russia. Some say they don't want Russia to lose since they will resort to nuclear weapons to regain control. That leaves only one alternative and that is just continue the war until there is nothing left of Ukraine. The hope is that the Russian people will get upset after some period of time and rise up in an attempt to get rid of Putin but there is no guarantee that his replacement would have different policies. Putin is 71 and so far as anyone knows in good health. He could go for at least another ten years. This war could have been prevented if the West would have agreed to let Putin keep the Russian speaking areas of Ukraine and agreed not to bring Ukraine into NATO. The West refused and now as the saying goes, in for dime in for a dollar. We can't stop now because all those Ukrainians will have died in vein so we must keep killing more. Many of the same people who agree with the current policy sit around and talk about how terrible war is and how the innocent civilians in Ukraine are being slaughtered but they still support the policy.

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