Friday, February 16, 2024


Russia's covert climate war on Germany can help the people of the United States to understand the Greenies war on America. The Russian government working behind the scenes promoted the climate activist in Germany to take action to first stop all coal production, second to shut down all nuclear plants and to rely on wind and solar and Russian natural gas. Russia then had control of the German economy. The Greenies in the US go even further. They want to close coal, stop fracking which means no oil or natural gas and to move away from nuclear power. This leaves the country with only wind and solar. This is an indirect way to move control to the government without anyone being the wiser. The electric power will be intermittent and thus controlled by the government. There will be controls on the home thermostats and mileage charges on transportation. Travel will be limited based on need and the need will be determined by government. There will be carbon taxes on air lines because they will need jet fuel to fly. The military will face a rationing of any fossil fuel they may need. The cost of materials will rise quickly as mining needed to supply materials for wind and solar will be over regulated to protect the environment. As the cost of energy rises inflation will follow. The cost of home heating in Germany quadrupled in just one year. Russian natural gas is no longer available in Germany and they have reopened their coal plants and there are calls to reactivate the nuclear plants. The US has a chance to avoid all of this chaos by moving to natural gas for transportation and start building new small nuclear reactors. Meanwhile heavy industry throughout Europe is moving to China where two new coal plants are built every week.

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