Monday, February 5, 2024


Where is a world leader when you need one. There is an opportunity coming if the senate aid bill passes. The US can publicly send the $14 billion to Israel and privately tell the Israeli's that they will be getting no more help. Israel can wait a few weeks and announce that Hamas has been weakened to the point where Israel is no longer threatened and Israel will begin to withdraw troops. The US can publicly announce the $65 billion in aid to Ukraine and privately let NATO know that there will be no more aid forthcoming. NATO must quietly negotiate a peace agreement with Putin. This means no more death and destruction in Palestine and Ukraine. It means opening the Black Sea to grain shipments to prevent famine in Sub Sarah Africa. It means lower energy cost for the world. It means open ocean trade routes. It means a massive rebuilding in Ukraine and Palestine. It means the world will be at peace while all nations have the chance to adjust to deglobalization. It takes one leader.

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