Wednesday, February 28, 2024


There are 193 member states in the United Nations and the bottom 100 of those have less than $10,000 per ca pita income which is $27 per day. The General Assembly meets September to December and resumes in January until all issues are addressed which is normally just before the next session begins. In other words they meet year around. These members stay in the best New York hotels, eat out at the finest restaurants and drive around in limos under diplomatic protection. All of this while their countrymen back home are living in poverty. The average salary is over $100,000 per year plus they have no expenses. What are these poor countries getting in return from these diplomats. There are occasions when the UN does something worth while but most of the time they are just a waste of money. If the UN were a business they would have filed bankruptcy many years ago. No one ever challenges the need for the UN, most just go along assuming the UN is a valuable asset for the world. To bring this to people attention let everyone know that the US contributes $12 billion dollars per year to the UN. This equates to $240 per year for every working family in the US. If people were asked how many would agree to send off a check for $240 each years without asking what they are getting for this money. The same questions could be posed regarding the WTO and the WHO.

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