Saturday, February 22, 2025

Congress oversight

Sometimes the government oversteps its power by over regulating but that does not mean there is no need for government. Back in the early days of the country the buyer and seller of a goods were on equal footing. If a horse was sold, both sides knew how to evaluate the value of the horse. As time past the producers of goods became experts while the buyers remained in the dark. The joke today is if you can’t read the ingredients on the label then don’t buy it. What this leads to is government controls in order to protect the consumer. The governments main responsibility is to protect the people from foreign enemies and to provide safe products for consumers. The FDA monitors the complex processes of drug production and food safety and this is necessary in today’s society. All bureaucracies must be monitored less they try to take too much control. Congress cannot just authorize money for an agency and not over see how they are spending the money. Congress has failed in their oversight responsibility as witnessed by the absurd spending revealed by the DOGE. The congress must walk the line between no oversight and too many regulations.

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