Saturday, February 22, 2025


When corn starch is boiled in water with a small amount of acid it converts to corn sugar which is glucose. The next step is to add an enzyme that converts the glucose into fructose. This is done because fructose is thirty times sweeter than glucose. This high fructose corn syrup is then shipped in liquid form and added to soft drinks and other products. Often times it is dried and used in many food products. The problem is the way the liver metabolizes fructose. Instead of making it available for readily usable energy like it does with glucose, it converts it primarily into fat, which is then stored in the body. High fructose corn sugar is used in almost all processed food products. Table sugar called sucrose also contains fructose but in smaller amounts. Table sugar is not healthy food and products containing sugar should be avoided. With desserts the consumer has some control but fructose is added to so many products that is severely limits the choices. The removal of fructose would cause the price of most food products to increase so the risk/reward case needs to be evaluated.

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