Sunday, February 16, 2025


The world is in the midst of a drastic change, some might call a nonviolent revolution and many are upset and afraid. The old ways of globalization are passing and a new wave of America First is redefining not only the US but other countries as well, in particular, those in Europe. The US has run a trade deficit every year since 1975 and last year it was one trillion dollars. This has been a bonanza for US trade partners but in many cases was the result of unfair trade practices. During these years the US paid for the defense of European countries along with paying the bulk of international groups like the UN, WTO and WHO. All the while various organizations financed by the US were spending money on programs that the people were not aware of and if they knew would not approve of. Waste and abuse have infiltrated many government agencies because congress did not provide oversight. Corruption seeped in and now the day of reckoning has arrived. Those who have been benefiting from this mismanagement are crying foul but the people are waking up to a new way of doing business. Unfair tariffs will become fair tariffs, and Europe will have to build up their own defenses and world organizations will have to get equal funding from all countries.

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