Saturday, February 15, 2025


There are currently more than 20 different companies developing small modular reactors (SMR’s) in the US and many more around the world. These companies are privately financed and do not need government subsidies. What they do need from the government is a review of the regulations surrounding nuclear power. Over the past 60 years the antinuke groups like Green Peace have joined forces with the fossil fuel industry along with the wind and solar groups to throttle nuclear development through over regulation. The Trump administration has taken a pro nuclear stance and is expected to review these regulations and bring them up to date in particular the safety requirement. The new technology in SMR’s provides for what is called walk away safety. This means that if the power is lost the process shuts down without any human intervention. The new processes not only reduce the waste products but use up stored waste. The two big objections to nuclear, safety and waste, have been overcome and the time is now right to solve the problem of climate change using SMR’s.

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