Thursday, February 6, 2025

Gaza rebuild

Trump has once again awakened the world with his remarks on Gaza. His plan is to move the people out to Egypt, Jorden and other safe Arab countries while Gaza is cleaned up and made safe for redevelopment. Then getting the oil rich Arab countries to pay for the reconstruction which will be handled by Israeli construction companies and Palestinian labor. It will cost about $5 billion dollars to build a city of 500,000 people and since there are 2.5 million living there the total cost would be $25 billion. Nanhui New City is a planned city in Shanghai, China that was designed to house 800,000 people. Construction began in 2003 and is scheduled to be completed in 2020, with the German architecture company Gerkan, Marg and Partners leading the project. The project is estimated to have cost $4.5 billion. The city is aimed to house 450,000 to 800,000 residents while attracting 10 million annual tourists Since this was 2003 dollars the cost to rebuild Gaza today would be $75 billion. If the Arab countries increase oil production by one million barrels per day, they could pay for the project in 1,000 days. It would take that long for the rebuilding. Like so many of Trump’s ideas, this was met with exasperation and cries of disbelief and in time when the dust settles people will evaluate and see the logic. Many people for years have talked about the potential for tourism in Gaza. Palestinians are noted for being good small business people and would thrive given the opportunity.

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