Tuesday, February 18, 2025


This is something I wrote a few weeks back As the world stands by and witnesses the destruction of Ukraine along with far too many lives it is time to once again outline the reason for the war. The West does not want Putin to win because he will take over all of Europe and the West doesn’t want Putin to lose because he will start a nuclear war. The only option the West can see is to continue the war indefinitely. How did reasonably intelligent people get themselves in this predicament. How are so many people still willing to sit back and go along with this. The only answer is a peaceful negotiated settlement. Recently there has been little in the news regarding the possibility of Russia using nukes. It could be that people have come to understand the futility of their original position on the war and are now striving for an all-out victory for Ukraine. If Putin once again raises the drum beat of nukes will people revert back to the situation at the start of the war.

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