Saturday, February 15, 2025


What Trump is doing with the tech billionaires is similar to what FDR did at the start of WW 2. He gathered together the titans of industry and told them he would dispense with regulations so they could maximize the war effort and this released the greatest war production machine in the history of the world. FDR hated Henry Ford because of his antisemitic position but he needed Ford’s help and in a few short years the Ford Plant at Willow Run saw one new B 24 come off the assembly line every hour. FDR set up the War Production Board and picked industry leaders who worked for a dollar a year to build the war machine. FDR called the CEO of GM William Knutsen who quickly resigned his six-figure salary and along with 300 other executives went to work for the Defense Department and became dollar a year man. Musk is the modern-day equivalent of GM Chairman Knutsen.

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